Daily Office: Friday(Held Over)

Mr & Mrs Ryan O’Neill

¶ Matins: It’s a little late for research, but anyone who wants to follow along with this morning’s festive ceremony can read the manual. If you think I’m going to look at it, you’re crazy. I’d flip out over my own misinterpretation of a (to me) unexpected term, and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the wedding breakfast.

¶ Vespers: What a lovely day! From breakfast at ten — meeting Ryan’s delightful parents was nicer than anything on Balthazar’s boffo menu — to getting married at, gee, I don’t know, about one in the afternoon? And then walking down Broadway on the most radiant spring afternoon and having a nice long lunch under umbrellas overlooking New York Harbor (Statue of Liberty included). Home just before seven!

Mr & Mrs Ryan O’Neill….


§ Matins. Wedding breakfasts are supposed to follow weddings, not precede them, but tomorrow’s affair is a get-acquainted affair: we’re going to meet Ryan’s parents. There’s a movie in this, but I don’t want to think about it. A mashup of The Inlaws and 16 Blocks, in which we all end up on a bus hijacked to Atlantic City. Hey, I’ll be dressed!

§ Vespers.


Truth to tell, this is a pre-marital shot. Later, the same day…


It may have been the most photographed wedding in the history of April in Manhattan. (Can you believe that big obnoxious boat blocking the Statue of Liberty? I guess you can’t have everything.) There were at least three, and sometimes as many as five, clicking cameras  — but with no designated photographer, we never got a truly comprehensive picture of everybody. Someone at Gigino’s, the restaurant in Robert Wagner Park, might have been persuaded to take a group photograph, but we were all as frisky and “self-directed” as kindergartners, and could not possibly have been rounded up.


Mr & Mrs O’Neill (Mike and Fran) with Mr & Mrs O’Neill (Ryan and Megan).


Fossil Darling confronts an Innocent Bystander.

The Young People:


And, finally (at least for the moment), the usual suspects:

All flowers by Flowers by Philip.

No father of the bride was ever happier or prouder than I.