Daily Office: Wednesday



¶ Midweek Matinee: I’m off to the movies this morning, to catch the first showing of Tropic Thunder, and maybe get pelted by some demonstrators.


¶ Shot: Take your pick: four International Rescue Committee workers were murdered by the Taliban in Afghanistan, and the chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party was murdered by an unidentified assailant in the United States.


¶ Arabic: Inspired by Eric, I picked up the 2-CD Michel Thomas Method Speak Arabic kit this afternoon — on my third visit to McNally Jackson in seven days.

Morning, cont’d

§ Midweek Matinee. I love Ben Stiller and all, but it goes without saying that, for me, Robert Downey Jr is the big draw. It’s very hard to imagine him in the same frame with Jack Black, so there’s that to look forward to.

What I don’t understand, though, is why Kristin Scott Thomas can’t be in everything.

Noon, cont’d

§ Shot. For those of you who just tuned in, the Taliban are former agents of the United States’ struggle against Russia. I don’t know who the Arkansas shooter was working for. Makes me proud.

Night, cont’d

§ Arabic. Having gone to the movies in the morning (more about Tropic Triumph anon), had a leisurely lunch in University Place (Ms NOLA and a friend walked by! Small town!), and drifted down to  NoLIta to pick up a book that I ordered on Monday (for Kathleen, not for me!), I’ve piddled the remains of the day listening to Jane Wightwick, Mahmoud Gaafar, and two unidentified students say simple but useful things in Arabic. I have fallen in love with Ms Wightwick’s voice — total catnip.

I’m familiar with the Michel Thomas method from his famous French course. It is the royal road to language learning, assuming as it does that all the messy stuff can be dealt with by subordinates. I would like a cola and a sandwich, please. Someone else will work out the price. Student Grace Kelly once inscribed a photograph, Un jour, mon prince viendra. And did he ever!

It goes without saying that there are no messy notebooks or transcriptions. I have no idea how to suggest what I’m saying with the Roman alphabet. But I’ve been instructed to think of cars when saying “please”: Minis and Cadillacs.