Thursday, 7 July 2011
¶ We wish that whoever edited Rachel Minder’s story about Spain’s stolen babies had seen to let us know why we’re reading about it today. What, precisely, is the news? It’s a journalistic quibble, perhaps, but we pose it because the story is so awful. How long has it been going on, and what is being done about it? The Times report answers the first question: for decades. But it leaves the more worrisome question open. What is being done, it seems, is precisely nothing, nothing beyond a morass of lawsuits, in which parents and children charge nuns and hospitals with the atrocious crime of informing new parents that their newborns have died, while spiriting off the babies, actually quite healthy, to purchasers — all in compliance with the evil “righteousness” of Franco’s fascism. What the old state did, the new state must rectify. Saddling individuals with the burden of resolving their terrible losses is almost as heinous as the underlying crimes. The news ought to have been that the Attorney General is consolidating all suspected cases, which, sadly, it isn’t.